The main intervention area of ECOAGRIS
As part of this program, results will be achieved if information systems are strengthened at different local, national and regional scales to address information needs for the monitoring of food and nutrition situation, vulnerability analysis, decision support in order to anticipate crises and proceed to the choice and target interventions.
Strengthening information systems will lay on three axes: (i) the operationalization of the ECOAGRIS system; (ii) strengthening information systems on vulnerability and household food situation as well as the nutritional situation at local level, for better targeting interventions, notably those of the food reserve; and (iii) strengthening decision-support tools in order to anticipate crises.
Therefore, the operation areas of ECOAGRIS are based on the integration of the twelve (12) following information sub-systems defined for the regional and national data base.
- The Information system on Early warning and disaster risks
- The Information system on agricultural production
- The Information system on agricultural markets
- The Information system on livestock
- The Information system on fishery and aquaculture
- The Information system on agricultural research results
- The Information system on agro-hydro-meteorological data
- The Information system on macro-economic data
- The Information system on agricultural inputs
- The Information system on nutrition
- The Information system on the monitoring of natural resources and climate change
- The Information system on food stocks